Connecting With YOUR Consumer

The transition from an idea in your mind to acting on that idea to create consumer value can be challenging at the best of times let alone during a global pandemic.

We have all had to change the way we work, live and play. Along with these changes in our lives, our needs and wants have also changed. What we wanted and even expected from businesses has changed dramatically! With this in mind, businesses will need to start being more adaptive then ever before when communicating with their consumers, with the way they communicate, the message they communicate and when they communicate.

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No matter what industry you operate in, connecting with your own target consumer will now have to be largely done through some sort of clever digital means. Social distancing and lock-downs have kept us at home for longer then we have stayed home ever before, meaning the amount of time we spend online has also increased dramatically.

Time Spent on Facebook, Netflix and YouTube over the pandemic. (The New York Times)

With the increase in internet usage, businesses now have a unique chance to capitalise on the opportunity presented by ‘Digital Marketing’. Whether you are an SME, Sole Trader or Public Company, now is the time to finally uptake that digital marketing strategy you’ve been working on or to alter and fast track some of the activities you’ve already implemented.

Platforms on social media are garnering more attention then ever and it has become an essential tool to connect with your target consumer. Over the years, the shift from traditional advertising to social media advertising has been increasing but even then we still have lagers and deniers of the impact and importance of social media and new innovative touch-points. But the pandemic has accelerated its shift and prominence, requiring businesses to urgently implement strategies to ensure connection with the consumer is kept not just relevant but also emphasised.

The impact it has on the 4 Ps is crucial. No matter the segment you are targeting, maintaining a relationship with the consumer is now more important then ever before and it will only grow as time goes on. So this is now your time use new innovative means of staying connected with your base and letting them now that your brand is with them ever step of the way during this pandemic that is affecting every corner of the world.

Stats on Social Media and and how you can take advantage of the changing times to your benefit rather then falling behind.

Published by ranjankandel

Passionate about Digital Marketing and where the world of marketing in general is about to take us!

10 thoughts on “Connecting With YOUR Consumer

  1. Hey Ranjan,

    You’re 100% correct in saying that businesses and marketers need to keep with the times. COVID has been the perfect (rather extreme) demonstration as to the importance of an agile mindset. Those that refuse to adapt to the current climate are unfortunately in for a very rough time.

    Keep up the good work!

    Josh Curtis

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Josh! You’ve hit the name on the head! those who refuse to adapt to the current climate (what ever time it may be in), you are bound to go through times that you don’t want to face! It’s like they say, ‘The only constant in life is change’ and if businesses don’t have that mindset, they’ll be left behind!


  2. You’ve made good points on your post Ranjan! I definitely agree that social media is the powerhouse of digital marketing, especially now. People are looking for connections and social media provides that need to “socialize” but it also lets us expose our products to form a familiarity with our audiences.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I love the way you put it! I 100% agree that just as people, we look to ‘socialise’ with friend and family on social media, we also look to do the same with brands! We want brands to have personalities so we can connect with them on a deeper level and when we get that with brands, especially from such a person to person platform, we become lifelong advocates!


  3. Great blog post! Social media marketers definitely have a unique time right now with Covid to try out new strategies and push their content out, as online usage has increased tenfold! Do you think they should be playing it safe or trying something new?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! The normal clutter they’d face when living a normal life being removed, consumers have no choice but to tune into brand messages and advertisements! I think marketers should definitely take a punt and try to make the best out the situation, given ROI is justified!


  4. Ranjan another great post!! I really love how you have made the connection that now that a majority of the work force is working from home, will mean that we have increased the amount of time that we are spending on social media. It s definitely a great opportunity for marketers to connect with their consumers, and even connect with potential consumers. I have found that my increase in social media use has definitely correlated to an increase on the amount of times I find myself clicking on ads.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah exactly! Just like you, I’ve probably clicked on more ads then ever before! The fact that we are on social media and screens in general more then ever before doesn’t only give marketers better chance of reaching and making impressions on prospects, but it also gives platforms more data that allows advertisers to have clearer data that allows for more targeted adds! Throughout this pandemic, I probably got more relevant ads then before the pandemic resulting in more clicks and purchases!


  5. Great read! It’s so true that these social media influencers are looking to get creative during COVID19. It definitely is a way for people to get creative and find their way to stand out form the crowd.


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